The Women's Coalition

Child Custody Act
A New System
The Child Custody Act codes for a new system that will effectively end the Custody Crisis. It will ensure equal protection and due process in custody cases.
Main Points:
Cases heard in regular civil court (not Family Court)
Civil Code w/Custody Act applies (not Family Code)
Right to a jury
Right to a speedy trial
No court-appointed professionals
Right to same due process protections as tort cases
Judges have no more powers than in tort cases

In More Detail
​​Forensic assessment of child if abuse reported
Children's non-court-affiliated therapists may testify
No custody, parenting, or psychological evaluations
Experts may testify about parenting/abuse​ in general
Experts may not give opinions on the instant case
No mediation
No gag orders or sealed records unless both parents agree​
No social services involvement
Database to document outcomes
At conclusion of trial:
Jury decides two things by preponderance of evidence
which parent is the primary attachment figure
if either has been physically, emotionally, or sexually abusive
Primary parent is granted primary custody; other traditional visitation
Visits with a physically abusive parent must be professionally supervised
No contact with a sexually abusive parent
Judge may not overrule the jury verdict​