The Women's Coalition

Rabbit Holes
What the Crisis is Not

Custody Crisis Rabbit Holes
The Custody Crisis Rabbit Holes series goes into depth about misinformation being put out about the Crisis that misleads women about why they lost custody or were unable to protect their children in Family Court. This misinformation diverts women from fighting the true cause of the Crisis: the systemic entitling of men and oppressing of women.
Cottage Industry
Rabbit Hole
The cottage industry rabbit hole is where mothers come to believe that the problem is money being made by the various actors and agencies involved in custody proceedings.
There are three branches: 1) massive profiteering by court-affiliated professionals, such as parents’ attorneys, children’s attorneys, GAL’s, evaluators, psychologists, therapists, et. al. 2) bribery of judges via campaign contributions and back door dealings, and 3) federal DV and fatherhood funding programs, etc.
But money is just the fuel for the underlying agenda to keep men in power in the family.

Parental Alienation Rabbit Hole
The parental alienation rabbit hole has two branches. In one, mothers who've been falsely accused of alienating believe that it needs to be banned, but judges will just use something else.
In the other branch, mothers whose children have been alienated from them get caught up in fathers’/parents’ rights groups that say alienation is real, which validates their suffering.
Both divert from fighting the real cause of the Custody Crisis.
Domestic Abuse Rabbit Hole
The main misunderstanding of those caught in the Domestic Abuse Rabbit Hole is that the Crisis is essentially about abuse by fathers or mothers. This leads to a gender neutral perspective and advocating for more child safety and judicial training laws that will not make a difference, because they do not attack the core cause of the crisis.

Gender Neutral Rabbit Hole
Gender neutrality is a key element of all of the Custody Crisis Rabbit Holes, but it is, in and of itself, the most overarching and damaging obfuscation of all. On its own it can sabotage the movement for effective change—and it has.
There are two main branches of the gender neutral rabbit hole. The Men’s Camp is comprised of organizations and groups almost exclusively led by men, and the Women’s Camp is comprised of organizations and groups almost exclusively led by women.
Rights and Laws
Rabbit Hole
A lack of rights and laws is not causing the Custody Crisis. Women already have the right to due process before their children are taken and given to abuser fathers. The problem is judges have the power to violate rights and laws. So advocating for new laws within the Family Court system is a waste of time.

Rabbit Hole
Mothers in the Court-Appointee rabbit hole believe the reason they lost custody is because one or more court-appointees misled their judge with negative observations about them and positive ones about the father.
But judges are not fooled. They know exactly what they are doing. Court-appointees are used who can be counted on to steer cases to the father.