The Women's Coalition

The Custody Crisis
Why It Is Happening & How We Can End It
A PowerPoint Presentation
What the Crisis is
Family Court judges routinely take primary custody away from mothers and give sole or joint custody to fathers. Mandatory equal custody is becoming the accepted default custody arrangement due to fathers' rights activism, but the best interests of children is for them to remain in the primary custody of their primary attachment figure, who is almost always the mother.
How it's happening
Judges, often with the assistance of children's attorneys and custody evaluators, falsely find women to be liars, alienators, unfit, mentally ill, or emotionally abusive, while disregarding or minimizing abuse or unfitness by the father. Cases follow a predictable pattern.
How judges get away with it
The family court system is designed so judges have virtually absolute power. They follow a pattern of discriminatory conduct and can rule however they want, regardless of facts, evidence, research, statutes or constitutions. In other words, they can ignore negative evidence about fathers and fabricate negative evidence about mothers to justify giving custody to the father.
What gender's got to do with it
The only injustice occurring in epidemic numbers in Family Court is women losing custody fathers who do not deserve it. It's rare for judges to disregard abuse by mothers or fabricate negative evidence about fathers to justify giving custody to self-serving or abusive mothers.
Why women don't know
Women don't realize men have the power to take their children until it is too late. Judges use gag orders to silence women and the media and protective parent organizations are misleading mothers into thinking the crisis is about abuse, rather than power, and that new child safety laws are the answer.
Why it's happening
Underpinning family court systems around the world is the persisting patriarchal agenda to keep men entitled and empowered in their families. This power to take children from mothers after separation gives men the power to trap women in the relationship or punish them for leaving. The age-old threat, "I'll take the children if you leave me" is kept viable by the Family Court system.
What the solution is
The only solution to the custody crisis is to remove contested custody cases from Family Court and have them heard in a regular civil court with a right to a jury, along with the other due process protections provided for in the "Child Custody Act".
Implementing the solution
Women must unite as a class, as half the population, to have the power necessary to overthrow the present system and implement a new one in which women will be afforded equal protection and due process. Ony then will women have the power to keep and protect their children.