Judge Had Denied RO; Father Released on Bail
“She is terrified that he is going to come back and finish the job, and nobody will do anything to stop him…But Andrea is more concerned about her kids. She is terrified for them.” Melissa, friend of Andrea’s Andrea was shot four times in the middle of the night with her four children, ages 5 to 12, in their home in Houston, Texas. Two of the children ran “in a panic” to the neighbor’s house. Andrea’s ex is captured on videotape going into and out of the house at the time of the shooting. It was a well-planned attack. He turned off the power, disabled the home alarm, and brought a friend to help him. Andrea’s friend says her ex began harassing, stalking and breaking into her home after their divorce. She called the police many times, but they never arrested him. Andrea had applied for a Restraining Order, but ironically, it was denied by a judge who had campaigned as a victim of domestic violence, Judge Barbara Stalder [pictured]. Andrea survived the shooting with major injuries requiring multiple surgeries. Incredibly, the D.A. did not charge her ex with attempted murder, only aggravated assault and burglary, as if he had been there as a thief, shooting her as a by-product of a theft, rather than as an angry man out to destroy his ex. He was apparently gave a discount being it was "just" the mother of his children. Unbelievably, Judge Amy Martin granted the father bail. She ordered, ridiculously, that he stay more than 200 feet away from her, knowing full well a piece of paper has not stopped violent men from murdering their exes and children when they are angry at losing control. There was a custody hearing scheduled for later that day, supporting the reason for the attempted murder was his anger at loss of control. Judge Stalder knew he was a danger to Andrea and denied her a protective order. Judge Amy Martin knows what a danger he still is and has allowed him to go free anyway. Judges Martin and Stalder are perfect examples of the countless women judges who support systemic male entitlement, selling women out for a warm seat at the old boys’ table. SHAME on Judge Barbara Stalder and Judge Amy Martin! MSM: She Wanted a New Restraining Order. She Got Shot 4 Times. https://www.thedailybeast.com/police-say-andrea-walker-wright-was-shot-by-her-ex-husband-aaron-wright-after-a-restraining-order-expired TWC NOTE: Andrea’s case makes it obvious that getting more women judges on the bench is not going to stop the custody crisis, because systemic male entitlement is upheld by both male and female judges. We need a new system where judges do not have the power to take and endanger our children and ourselves. Join The Women's Coalition to support our fight for the Child Custody Act: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/enact-child-custody-act.html #ChildCustodyAct #DamonsAct View Post on Facebook If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com [Pictured: top left: Judge Amy Martin; middle: Andrea; top right: Judge Barbara Stalder; bottom: Andrea and kids]
Britney Deemed Lying AND Mentally Ill
Father Granted Control of Her AND Father of Her Kids Granted Custody “I’m not here to be a slave.” Britney Britney has been struck on both ends by the patriarchal system: as a child and as a mother, using the age-old stereotypes of women being liars and mentally ill. Britney had a minor meltdown due to stress 13 years ago, and the systems in place have enabled her father and her ex to control her and her children ever since by deeming her mentally ill and “not credible”. Britney shocked the nation and world last week when she described at a Los Angeles Superior Court hearing horrible treatment by her abusive father, who has been granted complete control of her life through a conservatorship. She describes horrific Handmaids Tale type subjugation, including control over her reproduction and relationships. Brittany says she’s been forcibly medicated with lithium and made to work 7 days a week. Visitation with her children has been used as leverage to get Britney to cooperate with the conservatorship. Britney was wrongly restricted to supervised visitation with her own children for many years. She was eventually allowed unsupervised visits, and recently allowed 30% parenting time. She is now fighting for 50/50. The documentary “Framing Britney” tells her side of the story and has gained her millions of supporters. Despite the large protest outside the court, Judge Brenda Penny acted as if she did not have the power to release Britney from the conservatorship without more being done. But she does, and she is harming Britney greatly every day that she refuses her request. SHAME on Judge Penny. Conservatorship is just one of the many tactics judges use to keep fathers empowered over their children, this one extending control after the child reaches adulthood. The Women’s Coalition has heard from a number of women who say the father filed for conservatorship as soon as their child turned 18, in an obvious effort to maintain control and silence them, most often used to enable a continuing cover up sexual abuse. Similar tactics are used in conservatorship cases as contested custody cases. The judge appoints insider “experts” to steer the case to the father: evaluators, psychologists, attorneys, therapists, doctors, et. al. The judge then uses these biased, corrupt professionals to justify empowering the father. Many of Britney’s fans seem to believe it is the money being made off of her that is causing the problem. But it is important to recognize the profiting off her is just fuel on a fire that is already there. The core cause of her subjugation to her father and her ex is systemic male entitlement. Britney’s disempowerment on both ends using both tired accusations of liar and mentally ill is a great example of how judges entitle and empower fathers to the great detriment of both children and mothers. It exemplifies how men still effectively own their children, thanks to a system designed by them to continue their age-old power and control over “their” women and children. Join The Women’s Coalition & help fight for women’s empowerment in the family. www.womenscoalitioninternational.org #freebritney #ChildCustodyAct #DamonsAct Britiney’s testimony at hearing last week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVrhKBhMrEI “Framing Britney” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4SzbaDG-bY MORE INFO on the crisis & the solution: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com “He really didn’t want to go. I could see fear in his eyes.”
Dylan’s friend, first day of trial “[Dylan's father] wanted control over all of us.” Dylan’s mom, Elaine The murder trial against Dylan’s father begins and is expected to continue for a couple more weeks. The father is charged with second-degree murder and child abuse resulting in death. Dylan disappeared on a court-ordered visit with his father in 2013. His blood was found at the father’s house and years later his remains were found nearby. The father is finally being prosecuted for his murder. Dylan had told his mother and friends he did not want to go on the court-ordered visit his father that Thanksgiving holiday, but Elaine did not have the power to stop it. She would have been at risk of a contempt violation and a finding of alienation—or some version of it, and so of sole custody going to the father. Dylan had discovered extremely compromising fetish photos of his father, and they had been fighting about them. Dylan was disgusted by his father and did not want to be with him, especially in his house which was somewhat isolated in the mountains. When Dylan’s friend testified that Dylan was afraid to visit his father, the defense suggested it was due to the mother’s influence, i.e. alienation, without using that term. The jury was not allowed to hear the friend talking about Dylan’s strained and “potentially abusive” relationship with his father. RIP Dylan Condolences and solidarity with mom Elaine MSM “Fear inside his eyes”: Dylan Redwine didn’t want to visit father, friends testify https://www.durangoherald.com/articles/dylan-redwines-mother-it-was-such-a-senseless-crime/ Mark Redwine trial: Attorneys debate motive, “compromising” photos Cory Redwine testifies about confronting father in months before brother Dylan’s disappearance https://www.denverpost.com/2021/06/24/dylan-redwine-mark-redwine-murder-trial-motive-photos/ TWC NOTE: Enough of our children being harmed and murdered! Women must unite and fight for a new system that gives us the power to protect our children. Join The Women’s Coalition WomensCoalitionInternational.org #ChildCustodyAct MORE INFO on the crisis & the solution: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ DONATE If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ Family Court Enabled Ex to Take & Turn Kids Against Her
“He said if I divorced him, he’d take full custody of our kids…His words paralyzed me…” Alex Kasser, former Connecticut State Senator Connecticut State Senator Alex Kasser resigned yesterday citing Family Court proceedings and painful memories of her children, who she says the father has estranged from her. Alex says her ex threatened he would take their three children away from her if she left him. She must have understood Family Court would help him to do just that, so she stayed for a while longer, trapped in the marriage, until the children were older. She left a few years ago, and apparently Family Court did enable the father to follow through on his threats to take and estrange the children from her. Kasser helped get Jennifer’s Law passed, which she says will help women trapped in abusive situations like hers. But, unfortunately, it will not because it cannot stop judges from deeming women liars or mentally ill. As long as judges have the power to discredit us, they can take our children and give custody to the father. New DV and child safety laws won’t make a dent in the crisis. And there is no way to hold judges accountable or abolish judicial immunity. The only way women will regain the power to keep and protect our kids is to demand an entirely new system that does not allow for male entitlement. Custody cases must be removed from Family Court and heard in a REAL court. Juries must be the factfinders, not judges, and other due process protections ensured, as provided for in the Child Custody Act: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/enact-child-custody-act.html Many women don’t know that men can still punish and subjugate “their” women through Family Court. You can help raise awareness about the Custody Crisis: Share TWC posts on FB and other social media platforms Share TWC website Share powerpoint linked below Educate women you know about the crisis Support The Women’s Coalition Kasser's statement: Fighting For Freedom Takes Courage My Resignation From the Connecticut State Senate https://alex-41687.medium.com/fighting-for-freedom-takes-courage-a1addc084a77 MSM: CT state Sen. Kasser resigns amid divorce litigation https://www.wfsb.com/news/ct-state-sen-kasser-resigns-amid-divorce-litigation/article_a6870d94-d37e-11eb-bdd5-9374258e211e.html MORE INFO on the crisis: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ DONATE: If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ Rally Tomorrow for Gracie in Tennessee!
“My father is a monster. He is a rapist; he is a molester; he is a liar; and he is a killer.” Gracie Gracie is a brave girl who has taken to social media to expose childhood-long sexual abuse by her father because Family Court has ignored her reports of abuse and forced her into his custody. There is a rally tomorrow, June 22, 1pm, 135 4th Ave. South, Franklin, Tennessee, in support of Gracie being protected--finally! Please attend if you are in the area. Gracie just wants to live with her safe, loving mother. Her friend's and her videos should be entered into evidence as "Evidentiary Abuse Affidavits" making it harder for the judge to disregard them, especially now that they are public. Judge Deanna Bell Johnson (pictured) is just the latest judge disregarding and covering up the reported physical abuse of Gracie’s mom and brother, along with her sexual abuse. Notably, Judge Johnson and her husband, a state senator are members of the private Christian school that Gracie attends, which she says has not helped protect her or her brother and has also been covering up their abuse. The rally coincides with an afternoon hearing on the father’s defamation lawsuit against 30 of Gracie's supporters who have spoken out in support of Gracie. The defendants have asked for dismissal on the grounds the lawsuit’s aim is to silence them, thus violating their right to free speech. The defamation case is before Judge James Martin and local media has been covering it as a freedom of speech issue, so that should be interesting. The rally is also for getting justice for her brother, Grant, who she claims was murdered by her father to silence him about the sexual abuse. Link to Gracie's video Link to Gracie's friend Anna's video SUMMARY Angelie, a doctor, first lost custody when she reported serious DV by her husband a decade ago: a violent incident involving strangling. Judge Philip Smith accepted the father’s claim that she strangled herself, despite corroboration of the attack by family members and professionals supporting her credibility. He determined Angelie was mentally ill, put her in a mental institution and gave sole custody of Gracie and Grant to the father, who was allowed to keep the kids away from their mother for many years. Gracie’s brother, Grant, was killed last year in a suspicious accident where the father was present, and Gracie believes he murdered him to silence him. Grant had just turned 18 and was planning to go to authorities to try to help protect his sister from his father. Gracie is fearful her father will harm or kill her and is trying to get a decent investigation conducted into his death. There have been many reports of abuse over the entirety of Gracie’s childhood, but Family Court, CPS, police, the children’s school and the court-appointed GAL have continually disregarded and covered up the evidence. Judge Deanna Bell Johnson took over the cover up a few years back. She will be MIA on Tuesday rally day, which is unsurprising, considering the public attention now on her giving custody to a credibly accused DV perpetrator and rapist. Gracie says she’s been abused by her father for as long as she can remember and Angelie has been trying to protect her children unsuccessfully since the divorce. Judge Johnson recently further disempowered Angelie by ruling she may not file any more motions. This misuse of the “vexatious litigant” policy silence is common in protective mother cases. SHAME on Judge Deanna Bell Johnson! Give Gracie back to her mother!! SHARE! #freedomforgracie #justiceforgrant TWC NOTE: Unfortunately we just found out about the rally so no time to gather our moms to attend, but if you can make it on short notice, plz let TWC know. We will watch for any future rallies, but they may be silenced. Watch this page. FREEDOM FOR GRACIE ON: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Freedom-For-Gracie-110679161194219/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/freedomforgracie/ MSM: Franklin rally planned in support of alleged victim of abuse, to coincide with court hearing https://www.williamsonhomepage.com/franklin/franklin-rally-planned-in-support-of-alleged-victim-of-abuse-to-coincide-with-court-hearing/article_c980e964-cded-11eb-b70a-6f3dcca52182.html Williamson County family exchanges litigation over accusations of child abuse, murder https://www.williamsonhomepage.com/news/williamson-county-family-exchanges-litigation-over-accusations-of-child-abuse-murder/article_4e0c95c4-c890-11eb-a417-cf5b79d77d40.html 14yo Gracie Says Her Father Raped Her and Murdered Her Brother Why aren’t we hearing her story? https://medium.com/honestly-yours/a-tennessee-girl-says-her-father-raped-her-and-murdered-her-brother-3b00b93fd54e MORE INFO on the crisis: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ DONATE: If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ [PICTURED: left: Gracie; top: Gracie with mom Angelie; middle: Gracie with Grant; bottom: Judge Deanna Bell Johnson] Video: https://www.facebook.com/ali.kessler/videos/10222073796488827
“I don’t want to see daddy!” Little Greyson in video, crying Little Greyson’s mom, Ali, was doing what the Family Court judge mandated last Father’s Day: making him visit his abusive father and trying to make him feel OK about it. He was murdered by his father on a visit last month. Little Greyson knew he was not safe with his father and begged his mother to not make him go, but Ali did not have the power to protect him. Women must have the power to do what they believe is in their children’s best interest, even if that means keeping them away from their father. Custody cases must be removed from Family Court and a jury be the fact finder, not a judge. The power to keep and protect children is provided for in the Child Custody Act [CCA] through a code in which the child's primary attachment figure, mother or father, has final decision-making power. Also, if the jury finds that the father has been abusive by preponderance of evidence, he would be restricted to supervised visits. If the CCA had been implemented, Little Greyson would probably still be alive today. As soon as we have a more powerful coalition, we will be demanding the CCA be implemented. JOIN The Women's Coalition to Unite for Action: WomensCoalitionInternational.org #ChildCustodyAct #DamonsAct POST with more info about Ali's case: https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/photos/a.1464723457135309/2988422904765349/ RIP Little Greyson Condolences to Ali TWC Extends Sympathy and Solidarity to All Mothers Whose Children Are Coerced to Visit with Abusive Fathers this Father's Day MORE INFO on the crisis: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ Women Gather to Protest "Sexist Murders"
“He wanted me to suffer, looking for them without rest and for the remainder of my life. That was the reason he left me alive…” Beatriz, Olivia and Anna’s mother Little Olivia and Anna’s father murdered them to spite his ex. He put them in bags and threw them in the ocean off Tenerife Islands, part of Spain, where they lived. Six year-old Olivia’s body was recovered in the bag, while another bag nearby was found empty. The search continued this week for one year-old Anna and the father, both presumed dead. It is great that so many women came out and protested their murders as “gendered violence” and “sexist murders”. However, it’s important for women’s rights organizations to take it one step further and recognize that the greatest harm to our children is not due to lack of rights. It is due to systemic sexism in Family Courts: judges routinely finding women to be liars and granting custody and unsupervised visitation to violent and unfit fathers. It is unclear whether the father in this case was abusive before the murders or if Beatriz had tried to restrict his visitation in Family Court. The important point is that if she had tried to protect them, she would likely have lost custody for interfering with the father’s relationship with his children or some other fabricated finding. Women fear losing custody, so they often agree to whatever visitation the father wants. While it is not uncommon for vengeful men to harm or murder children to spite their ex, it is rare for women. Paradoxically, in Family Court, it is often the mother found to be vengeful when simply trying to protect her children from a vengeful ex. Beatriz is asking for tougher laws to protect children, but new laws won’t help. We need an entirely new system where judges do not have the power to deem us liars and give our children to abusive fathers. When women protest cases in which fathers murder children, the “custody crisis” must be made front and center. Women should carry signs saying that women do not have the power to protect children due to sexism in Family Court. The Women's Coalition will be organizing rallies and protests with this message soon. #ChildCustodyAct #DamonsAct SHARE: Please help raise awareness of the Custody Crisis by sharing! MORE INFO on the crisis: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ Mother of missing sisters Olivia and Anna Gimeno calls for tougher laws to protect children from violence https://inews.co.uk/news/world/olivia-and-anna-gimeno-zimmermann-mother-beatriz-urges-tougher-laws-to-protect-children-from-violence-1050917 TWC NOTE: Now that covid is getting under control, TWC will be starting up the local coalitions again soon. View on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/photos/a.1464723457135309/3007913126149660/ If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ [Pictured: Beatriz; Anna; Olivia; women protesting in Madrid, Spain Judge Forbids Kids’ Testimony; Excludes Evidence; Seals Record
“All my client is asking for is a fair trial based on facts.” Attorney for Angelina “Judge Ouderkirk denied Ms. Jolie a fair trial, improperly excluding her evidence relevant to the children’s health, safety, and welfare, evidence critical to making her case.” From Angelina’s appeal, filed on Monday Judge John Ouderkirk has removed primary custody from Angelina Jolie after sabotaging her case. The only thing remarkable about this is that it took 5 years for a Family Court judge to give a father what he wanted. CHILDREN'S TESTIMONY Judge Ouderkirk forbade all of Angelina’s six children from testifying, despite California law permitting them to testify. The children apparently wanted to give their reasons directly to the judge for wanting to continue living primarily with their mother. Ouderkirk obviously didn’t want to hear anything that would make it harder to order equal parenting. NEW EVIDENCE OF DV Angelina reportedly filed a declaration in March that included proof of domestic violence not yet before the court. Ouderkirk appears to have disregarded that evidence. APPEAL Angelina filed an appeal on Monday, accused Ouderkirk of wrongly excluding evidence, as well as requesting his removal based on the judge having business interests with opposing counsel. Even if Angelina wins her appeal, her case will likely be remanded back to the same judge, or another one, who will find another way to justify giving the father equal custody, or even sole custody, saying she is interfering with the father’s parenting. EQUAL PARENTING Fathers’ rights activists push for equal parenting laws and policy saying that is what’s fair for fathers. However, societal consensus and legal doctrine support that the best interests of children should prevail, not what parents think is fair for themselves. Research and experience support that it is in children’s best interest is to live primarily with their primary attachment figure after divorce, especially when parents don’t get along and children say that is what they want. COVER UP Of course, Ouderkirk sealed the record so we the public cannot see what kind of DV has been reported and by whom, and hence know how unfair his ruling may be. This sealing of records, along with exclusion of evidence that doesn’t support the father’s position, are common tactics used by Family Court judges to facilitate switching custody. This is tantamount to a cover up. MORAL OF THE STORY The moral of this story is that even a mother as famous and wealthy as Angelina Jolie can be sabotaged in Family Court and, like all women, does not have the power to maintain primary custody or protect her children after divorce. 3 WORDS: Systemic Male Entitlement JOIN The Women’s Coalition where we are fighting for a new system. https://www.WomensCoalitionInternational.org/ ACTIVISM: tell everyone you know why you side with Angelina to help change the narrative about forced equal parenting. And share this post on Facebook and Twitter! MSM: Angelina Jolie Reportedly Feels Failed by the Court After Her Children Didn’t Get to Testify in Ongoing Divorce Case With Brad Pitt https://www.vanityfair.com/.../angelina-jolie-failed-by... Angelina Jolie Loses Bid to Remove Judge Overseeing Her Divorce From Brad Pitt https://www.vanityfair.com/.../angelina-jolie-brad-pitt... MORE INFO: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ DONATE: If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ The Custody Crisis Is NOT Gender Neutral; Judges Are NOT Mistaken; The Solution Is NOT Training or New Laws
In a new two-part NBC News series, the Custody Crisis is being portrayed as gender neutral, caused by untrained judges making mistakes and a lack of child safety legislation. This damaging misinformation misleads the public and points to ineffective solutions which will only prolong the crisis. The investigative series discusses how “parents” are unable to protect children from “abusers” in Family Court, implying that judges are not protecting children from both abusive mothers and fathers. The chiron reads: “Judges Accused of Ignoring Abuse in Custody Battles”. However, the ONLY epidemic is WOMEN being unable to maintain custody or protect their children from fathers and it is being caused by systemic discrimination against women and male entitlement. The only reference to a father supposedly unable to protect his children from their mother was in a 5 second video clip where a reporter said the mother had murdered her children. But the mother was previously a loving mother who murdered them because the judge gave custody to their father, who she believed was abusing and sex trafficking them. (This info was in the same report the 5 second video clip came from.) So this was not a case of a judge ignoring abuse by a mother and switching custody to a father as is the theme of the series. It was another case in which the judge ignored the mother’s reports of sexual abuse. The board chair of the National Parents Organization is quoted as saying “people” use allegations of parental alienation strategically and falsely, but “people” also use allegations of abuse strategically and falsely. This bogus gender-neutral stance is intended to muddy the waters. The truth is the only epidemic in family court is judges falsely finding mothers to be falsely reporting abuse and alienating the children from their fathers, and then allowing the father to alienate the children from the mother. The article neglected to disclose that NPO is the premier fathers’ rights organization in the U.S., disguised as a gender-neutral “parent” organization. Judge Ramona Gonzalez, former president of the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) said in the interview with Kate Snow, "If you have untrained judges that don't understand the dynamics of trauma ... they will make assumptions and those assumptions will lead to decisions based on error." She is lying. She knows judges are deliberately giving kids to abusive fathers. The NCJFCJ has documented the crisis for decades. Some of the mothers interviewed for this story have apparently been misled into thinking the problem is lack of training and/or laws. But it is not. The problem is judges deliberately deeming women liars, alienators, mentally ill and emotionally abusive in order to give custody to abusive, negligent or unfit fathers, so no amount of training or new laws will stop them. That means the only effective solution is to get cases OUT of Family Court and OUT of judges’ hands. What is needed is a new system in a real court with juries deciding whether there is a preponderance of evidence of abuse, not judges. The Child Custody Act provides for a new system: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/enact-child-custody-act.html NBC 2 part video series: May 13th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfb4bBMnGyM May 14th: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4P1N2VagLXc NBC Article: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jacqueline-says-she-did-everything-she-was-supposed-do-so-n1266982 Want to use your voice to make a difference? Contact Kate Snow and let her know she was misled by her interviewees and she should do a new report with the truth. Let her know the problem is systemic oppression and discrimination against women leading them to be unable to maintain custody or protect their children. CONTACT: Kate Snow or comment on her posts about this story: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tvkatesnow Twitter: https://twitter.com/tvkatesnow Voicemail: 866-639-7244 Email: contact.nbcnews@nbcuni.com Want to help end the crisis? Join The Women’s Coalition: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/ For more info on the crisis: The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It https://fb.watch/55BCBfcElI/ If you appreciate the work of TWC, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ On Wednesday, shockingly, but not surprisingly, a violent father murdered his baby—just hours after a judge dismissed a restraining order.
The Restraining Order had been in place because of his documented and criminally charged violence against the mother and threats to kill Baby Kobi. Immediately after the hearing on Wednesday in which the RO was dropped, the father put Kobi in a baby carrier and murdered her by jumping off a reservoir wall in South Australia, with the apparent intention of punishing her mother. Baby Kobi's father had been criminally charged last year with assaulting and imprisoning Kobi’s mother and for threatening to kill her. The police considered him so dangerous that they opposed his release on bail. A judge freed him anyway and charges were dropped in March for unstated reasons. As usual, the father’s history of violence, threats to kill the mother and baby, and multiple violations of restraining orders were all dismissed by the judge, obviously to keep the father entitled and empowered over “his” ex and child. The judge, working within a discriminatory system, thereby caused Baby Kobi’s death. Kobi’s case is not the exception, but the rule. Judges routinely disregard children’s safety and best interest to grant violent and unfit fathers custody and control of their children. Women must unite and fight for a new system where juries, not judges, have the power to protect children and decide custody. Join the fight for the Child Custody Act: [email protected] NOTE: There are some reports that Kobi’s mother may have agreed to unsupervised visitation. If that is true, it is likely because she was pressured. Many women are told if they don't agree with the father having contact, they will be accused of alienating or interfering with the father’s "right" to see his children. And if they refuse, they could lose custody—which means the abusive father could get sole custody. That is what happens in custody cases every day in family courts around the world. Regardless, a judge should never give a child to a father who has threatened to kill her, no matter what anyone says. If anyone knows who the judge is who dropped the restraining order please email us at [email protected] If you appreciate the work of The Women's Coalition, please consider donating! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate button Facebook Fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ |
AuthorCindy Dumas, M.A. has been researching, writing, and raising awareness about the Custody Crisis since 2003, when she was unable to protect her children from their abusive father. She fled into hiding when Family Court failed her and was tricked into returning home, when her children were given to their abusive father. Archives
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