A $100,000 warrant was issued Friday for the arrest of a woman believed to be in hiding with her 14 year-old daughter. Family Court Judge Chad Allred [pictured] commissioned law enforcement to charge Protective Mom Leslie with criminal custodial interference so he can force a teenager to live with a father she says is physically and emotionally abusive and of whom she is afraid. Police and media are spreading Judge Allred's false narrative that Leslie is lying about domestic violence she experienced, despite corroborating medical evidence. He says the reason Vail does not want to be with her father is that Leslie is brainwashing (alienating) Vail against him: the most common tactic used to switch custody to the father. This dishonest narrative gets the public to sympathize with the father and dislike Leslie so they will turn her in. The Women’s Coalition encourages the public to NOT fall for the lies spread by Judge Allred and his abettors. Leslie’s case fits the pattern that millions of women’s cases around the world follow: judges disregard negative evidence about fathers and fabricate negative evidence about mothers to justify switching custody to the father. [See a detailed look at the Family court playbook at WomensCoalitionInternational.org] Both Leslie and Vail have reported abuse by the father, for which there is corroborating evidence, but Judge Allred has discredited their reports so he can justify giving custody to the father. When Vail refused to visit her father, Judge Allred used the common tactic with teens of ordering “reunification therapy” with an insider psychologist, whose job is to coercively persuade (brainwash) the child into agreeing to live with the father. Isolation of the child from her mother with threats of never seeing her mother again ensures success, but Vail was strong and did not break. Vail ran away and has been gone almost two years. At some point, her mother Leslie may have joined her, because she is now missing too, but that remains unclear. What is clear is that the judge is using the prospect of prison to scare them both into returning and succumbing to the family court agenda to keep the father entitled and in control of his child, and continued control of his ex through his child. This pattern plays out in countries around the world, wherever women have gained enough power and independence to leave men without being impoverished. Join The Women’s Coalition where we are fighting for a new system in which judges will not have the power to decide custody. SHAME on Judge Chad Allred for devastating Vail's childhood and Leslie's motherhood. SHAME on King County Sheriffs Office and Q13 Fox News for going along with the discrimination and injustice being inflicted on this wonderful mom and teen. FB page: A Voice for Vail: https://www.facebook.com/pg/aVOICEforVAIL/ Video of Vail refusing to visit father: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1723056401321771&hc_location=ufi BIASED MSM story: Mother charged with Custodial Interference, hiding teen daughter from dad https://q13fox.com/2019/04/26/leslie-mccann-mother-charged-with-custodial-interference-hiding-teen-daughter-from-dad/ You can comment on this Fox News FB post in support of Leslie and Vail: https://bit.ly/2VyJewO SUMMARY [From GoFundMe with video of Vail refusing to get in father’s car: www.gofundme.com/a-voice-for-vail] “On July 28th, 2017, Vail McCann ran away from her father's house in Maple Valley. Earlier that day, a combination of 8 different adults and security forcefully and traumatically removed her from the court house to begin a six week visit that she was blindsided with. Her father requested a six month custody reversal in order to force her to engage in reunification therapy with him to *fix* her refusal to see him. The judge ordered six weeks (3 make-up weeks and 3 regular visitation) with a hearing set to review in five weeks. Here you see phase one of the 4 or so hour long transition. Her mom is instructed not to show emotion or comfort her child. If she does, it's seen as her mother feeding the child's anxiety instead of supporting the visit with the father. This precious girl also has high-functioning autism. The mother was instructed to physically remove the child's arms from her body and use all her strength to remove herself from the situation. Vail has reported to her counselor, her GAL, and five police officers that she is afraid of her father. She's reported that he drags her, has attempted to kick her in the head, and left fingernail marks in her arm. She's reported that he harms her dogs and uses her sacred and special security items as leverage for behavior modification. She reported that after she told police about this, he broke into the bathroom where she was and threatened her. She reported that he told her she better never tell anyone again. The things stated above as well as much more information can be found in King County Superior Court of the State of Washington Case 15-3-06672-6 KNT Vail needs a voice fast. Right now she'll be returned to the same situation that she ran away from when she's found. She deserves to feel safe. In addition to mom and Vail, mom's attorney and dad's sisters are in this video. She is transitioning to her aunts who will take her to her dad.” [Pictured: Leslie and Vail (top and bottom left); Judge Chad Allred (bottom left)]
Yvonne Floor
5/4/2019 03:11:07 pm
I am so sorry to hear this. What can we do to help them?
kira long
7/27/2020 01:15:52 pm
this is really sad vail was my best friend and i was with them when they took that photo in the karaoke bar. She would always say in about 2015 to 2016 how her father would abuse her, honestly i dont think her mom is brainwashing her about that. but i think they need to come out and handle this is court.
1/7/2023 11:22:56 pm
You couldn’t be more ignorant. You don’t go to court for justice. The father has millions of dollars and he uses it to influence the court. It’s nasty, evil and wrong. I hope and pray they are never caught by that monster.
1/8/2023 09:04:55 am
Wrong. Mother got FREE legal help from one of the largest Seattle law firms. What I have always believed was a frivolous case, they put the father and his family through hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal bills. Dad was not remotely close to being a millionaire (another lie by you know who). So many lies spread by the underground criminals. Remember, even grandma and grandpa, aunts and uncles, cousins and/or friends were not allowed by mother to even touch or hug. ALL OF THEM. Hence, the court had to be ultimately used fot the sake of the child. I do not understand why the criminals get free legal help in this country. One day, when Vail is older, it is my hope that she is able to escape her kidnappers and rejoin her entire family who the criminal mom did not allow them to hug: from her cousins aunts and uncles to the grandparents. GET A CLUE. Common sense please. And I hope the kidnappers go to jail. Horrible thing for a family to lose a member. And I have met and known both parents and defer to both the courts and the prosecutors about who is the criminal.
Cynthia Hyatt
2/1/2021 05:21:05 pm
I was eating lunch and saw this tiny ad in my mail on bathtub advertisement. Have you seen me? Vail’s picture all over it. I google her to find this story. I’m in Mesquite, Tx. I doubt her Mom is hiding her. Looks like she is still looking for her.....desperately.
Vanessa Hickling
2/25/2021 12:09:02 am
I did the same thing! Just googled the name on the back of the page
2/5/2021 02:18:16 pm
I live in Washington. I found this out because after my mail piled up for months and months, I finally opened it again and saw the case of this poor girl missing on every single issue. I’ve been interested in solving missing person cases.
Cozy Madhouse
2/17/2021 04:28:26 pm
Hi Lily. From your narrative, I perceive that you have been through a lot . Please, it’s never to late seek therapy, or emotional support. This is a great resource, that has helped many troubled individuals. It would be in your interest to give it a chance. Samhsa.gov
1/8/2023 09:41:43 am
The Women's Coalition International is set up for the right reasons. So sad that it is being manipulated by this horrible person. I hope it can safely help this young lady so she can be reunited with her family.
2/25/2024 12:24:12 pm
I heard the video clip of Vali screaming. It's horrible. You can not brainwashed a child from the love she get. Children always know who actually love them. It's a child instinct. If you truly love a child a lot, she will feel it and know it. Listen to the child, not the lies testimonies.
6/4/2024 11:17:03 pm
The child knew the " Hollywood " of the day.
May Collings
2/25/2024 12:15:39 pm
I wonder if they are still under the warrant?. This cold heart judge just retired last couple month. I had painful experience with this judge. He ignored all facts and laws because the other party is the city. I'm appealing. The city's negligence does not cause me pain as much as the bias cold heart judges. I lost all trust and belief in life. I hope God see this. I hope God will has a judgment in all what he did.
6/4/2024 11:15:20 pm
Why isn't this fraudulent woman in prison?
Real one
6/6/2024 08:54:30 am
They haven’t found her yet have they? I’m sure if found, Leslie will be arrested
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AuthorCindy Dumas, M.A. has been researching, writing, and raising awareness about the Custody Crisis since 2003, when she was unable to protect her children from their abusive father. She fled into hiding when Family Court failed her and was tricked into returning home, when her children were given to their abusive father. Archives
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