“I hope you know how much I tried to get you…I have no idea what to do without you.”
Kelsey, Autumn’s mom Systemic sexism has led to yet another child’s murder, by “homicidal violence” according to the coroner. A Sherburne County, Minnesota Family Court judge ordered shared custody despite evidence of abuse, including a protective order. Worse, the father was permitted to keep Little Autumn completely away from her mother for over a half year, so the abuse and her deteriorating condition was not fully realized. Police had been called to the father’s house by neighbors who suspected child abuse over 30 times, many of which were referred to social services. Meanwhile, her mother, Kelsey, desperately tried to get custody and enforce her visitation, to no avail. Autumn’s step-siblings described terrible abuse including binding her hands and trapping her inside a sleeping bag with only her head poking out and left to sleep like that. Autumn’s cause of death was asphyxia caused by drowning but an autopsy revealed puncture wounds on Autumn’s head, hair loss, atrophied muscles, severe emaciation, bruising on her hands and hips, and bleeding in her abdomen and brain. The father and stepmother have been arrested and charged with murder. As usual, the father was empowered by a system steeped in sexism to take and abuse “his” child, while a wonderful, primary nurturing mother was disempowered and unable to maintain custody or visitation and prevented from protecting her child. Support the battle for a new system not powered by sexism. Join The Women’s Coalition. Kelsey’s message to Autumn: My beautiful sweet baby. These photos are a perfect representation of who you are. Always smiling and being silly. You loved SO much. Your father kept you from me for several months and he then took your life. I hope you know how much I tried to get you. I hope you know how much I love every single part of who you are and I am so proud of how incredibly kind, thoughtful and amazing you are. I have no idea what to do without you. Noah and Delylah and all of your siblings were lucky to have a sister like you. I am so proud to be your mother and I know you will always be with me. I love you Autumn Lee. Before Minn. Girl's Death, Police Were Called to Dad and Girlfriend's Home 30 Times https://people.com/crime/autumn-hallow-police-called-30-times-home-before-death/
“You are all complicit in the cover up of my sons’ horrific abuse…Over three years ago, you gave full custody to a child abuser who had been sexually abusing my sons and allowing others to do so for many years, for most of their lives, apart from the two years I kept them safe after they [first] disclosed.”
Samantha Baldwin “An Open Letter to the Judges Who Have Ruined my Sons Childhoods” https://www.youtube.com/watch… Brave and determined, Samantha has videotaped an open letter to the Family Court and Appellate judges who gave full custody to her ex, despite an STD, drugs in the kids' systems, and other strong evidence that he had sexually assaulted them over a long period of time. Sam has not been allowed to see her boys for a very long time. She is hoping this open letter goes viral and helps her in her efforts to reunite with her sons, so please share. In her open letter, Sam details the strong evidence of sexual abuse disregarded by Family Court Judge Jeremy Lea. Judge Lea spun the evidence of the father’s drugging of the children to Sam being the one who drugged them so as to justify switching custody to him. She also holds Appellate Court Justices Jackson and Lord McFarland accountable since they upheld Lea's ruling. It’s important to understand that Family Court judges’ enabling of sexual abuse is a subset of the millions of contested custody cases around the world in which judges switch custody to fathers, abusive or not. It is also a subset of men’s age-old implicit prerogative to sexually assault women and children. Both have had tacit approval through systems which permit men to get away with sexual assault. These two issues should not be confused, because, while child sexual assault is the most horrific crime, it is not the core issue in Family Court. The fundamental issue in contested custody cases is POWER: the systemic emPOWERing of fathers to take custody of children away from primary nurturing mothers, which entitles them to abuse them if they so choose; and the systemic disemPOWERing of mothers from maintaining custody and protecting their children after divorce. There are plenty of organizations fighting against child sexual assault. This will do nothing for mothers trying to protect their children in Family Court. The only thing that will help mothers keep and protect their children after divorce is a new system where judges do not have the power to empower fathers and disempower mothers. Sam's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/justice4s/ Previous posts: June 7, 2018 Polygraph & Hair Analysis Prove Samantha Didn’t Coach & Drug Boys https://www.facebook.com/…/a.146472345713…/2115824565358525/ April 19, 2017 Close Friend Reveals Sam's “Entire Ordeal”: How She “Fought Tirelessly” to Protect Her Boys But Family Court Failed Her https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/posts/1906719792935671:0 April 7, 2017 Massive Manhunt Launched for Mum on the Run https://m.facebook.com/…/a.14647234571353…/1896844423923208/ June 4, 2016 Hearing Tuesday: Samantha’s Family & Friends Plead for Help https://www.facebook.com/…/a.1464723457135…/1931425330465117 Join The Women’s Coalition and support the battle for a new system: www.WomensCoalitionInternational.org If you appreciate the work of The Women’s Coalition, please consider donating: Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook donate button Facebook fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ “Custody Crisis Rabbit Holes” is a series of articles illustrating some of the main ways women are being misled about the nature and cause of the custody crisis. They divert from the understanding that the crisis is women unjustly losing custody and an understanding that the core cause is systemic male entitlement. The fact that so many women are getting caught up in these rabbit holes, sidetracked from the truth, is a main reason there has been no progress in a half century on this critical social justice issue.
There are numerous rabbit holes women go down when attempting to make sense of why they lost custody or were unable to protect their children in Family Court. Depending on the facts of their case, social media involvement, and which organizations they turn to for help, women enter different rabbit holes, often getting stuck in more than one. Some Custody Crisis rabbit holes:
“Abuse” rabbit hole occupants believe the problem is judges giving kids to abusers, rather than fathers; “money” rabbit hole inhabitants believe it is profiteering, funding or other financial incentives causing the crisis; “alienation” rabbit hole residents say parental alienation is the problem; and the "rights" rabbit hole is occupied by those who believe the problem is denial of women's, parent, family or children’s rights. With the exception of women's rights, they are all gender neutral concepts, and none identify the core issue as systemic male entitlement. Each of them will be gone over in depth in future segments. Some rabbit holes are promoted by well-intentioned activists, who themselves misconstrue the crisis. However, many groups are created or infiltrated by fathers’ rights activists [FRA’s] who operate covertly as parent, family, grandchildren and children’s rights activists, or as victims of parental alienation or a corrupt system. FRA's entice women into rabbit holes to confuse, divert and divide them, and to garner support for their own (often hidden) agenda—family court legislation that benefits men at the expense of women and children, such as mandatory equal parenting. They spend enormous amounts of time and energy on bamboozling women, because they know the one thing that can seriously threaten men's power over "their" women and children after divorce is women uniting as a class to take back the power to keep and protect their children. Women should not feel bad about getting caught in a rabbit hole or two. Most go down at least one during their Family Court nightmare, because misinformation about the crisis abounds. The important thing to recognize is that all of these rabbit holes divert and distract from understanding that the root of the crisis is systemic sexism and that is what needs to be eradicated to stop the taking and endangering of our children. A cultural shift is necessary recognizing the importance of the primary attachment figure, usually the mother, in a child's life, along with legislation for a new system which will uphold the best interests of children after divorce. Because the Family Court system is designed so judges have the power to discriminate against and oppress women, custody cases must be removed from Family Court and heard in a regular civil court with a jury, along with other due process protections outlined in the “Child Custody Act”. Join The Women’s Coalition to help fight for a new system. “Mommy let's hide. I want to stay home. Protect me mom, I don't want to leave.”
Little Lily-Mae Ten minutes after a Dutch judge issued his ruling giving the abusive father sole custody, police came and took 3 year-old Lily-Mae screaming and crying from her mother. The judge justified this horrific treatment by deeming Lily-Mae’s mother “uncooperative” and restricted her to occasional supervised visits. “Uncooperative” is a cousin to “alienation” and “unfriendly parent” and “interference in custody”, all stock justifications used by judges to switch custody to the father. 3 words explain this universal horror: Systemic Male Entitlement. Women still, after 10,000 years, do not have the power to keep their children if the father decides he wants them, whether for financial reasons, to maintain control, to vindictively punish the mother, to abuse the child, or whatever. Time for women to Wise Up and Rise Up! Join The Women’s Coalition: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/ Video of the seizure: https://www.facebook.com/104096091403530/videos/283752482892938 “The judge spoke, and with that Lily-Mae was snatched away. Away from her home, from her family, away from everything familiar to her. And why? Not because she was not safe at home, not because she was mistreated, not because mom, grandpa and grandma didn't take good care of her. Because Mommy can't make contact with the man who mistreated her. The man she fled from when she got pregnant, to protect herself and her baby. Lily-Mae has been living with her mom and grandmother for three and a half years since she was born. And after three and a half years it was decided that because mum cannot cooperate, the child goes to the biological father. She has been forcibly taken. Against the advice of the Child Protection Board! Against the advice of the general practitioner, behavioral expert, and psychologist. Away from the place where she was loved, where she was loved and cared for, where all her friends are. First to a foster home, and from there to a man she has never seen all her life. Mother, grandmother and grandfather remain in a quiet and empty house, a house full of toys, cuddly toys, doors full of photos, a nursery and an empty bed.” FB page: Bring Lily-Mae Home: https://www.facebook.com/Breng-Lily-Mae-Thuis-104096091403530/ If you appreciate the work of The Women's Coalition, please consider donating. Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook Donate Button Facebook Fundraiser “Oh, I’m dead. Don’t expect me to come home. My dad is going to kill me.”
10 year old Nakota RIP "The system failed Nakota and it cost him his life…Kelly had made numerous complaints to…[Family Court] about [the father’s] treatment of their son…[T]here were many red flags about [the father’s] treatment of Nakota — from failing to properly feed the boy to ignoring him during visits to WORSE THINGS THEY WEREN'T ABLE TO SPEAK ABOUT — that Kelly shared with [Family Court]…The court system [says] there's not enough [evidence]. We have to drop the case.” Nakota’s grandfather Nakota was murdered by his father after saying he would be killed if forced to visit him. His mother, Kelly tried her best to protect him, but was compelled by a custody order to send him to visit his father unsupervised. Nakota’s father has admitted to suffocating him by placing a plastic bag over his head. Nakota's body has not yet been found. As usual, the judge minimized and disregarded abundant evidence of abuse, which easily met the preponderance of evidence burden necessary to protect a child. The judge, disgustingly, told the mother to “drop the case” i.e. stop trying to protect Nakota. MSM is focused on social services failing to protect Nakota, but it is the Family Court judge who decides custody and is responsible for his death. MSM reports on lame excuses for Nakota's death and does not name the judge. Shame on Christine James-Brown, CEO of the Child Welfare League of America, for shifting blame from social services and family court to family, friends, doctors, and teachers. And for saying the problem is “the lack of clear communication between case workers and the judicial system”. That is just a red herring giving the judge cover for his culpability in Nakota's murder. Family court judges receive all the evidence from social services, on top of the mother's reports. James-Brown also says custody battles “often add another layer of complexity when it comes to responding to and investigating reports [of abuse].” Which is just another way of saying the mother may be coaching her child to report abuse in order to get the upper hand in custody. Tragically for mothers and children all over the world, these tired old narratives give the public the wrong idea about what is causing the epidemic of children being harmed, and even killed, after custody and unsupervised visitation is given to self-serving, vindictive and abusive fathers. In social media we are speaking the truth: Nakota’s death was not caused by a broken system or lack of laws, but by a system that is working as intended: to entitle and empower men over their children (and exes through their children) after divorce. Non-MSM (good) article: 10-Year-Old Nakota Kelly, Who Told Mom “My Dad is Going to Kill Me,” is Missing, Presumed Dead, and Dad is Charged With Murder https://sufferthelittlechildrenblog.com/…/…/22/nakota-kelly/ MSM misinformation: Did mother's report about son's safety go unheeded? DCS, citing confidentiality, won't say https://www.indystar.com/ “…[Keira’s death] was no accident, but a deliberate act by a disturbed man empowered by a Family Court system that enabled him. I believe this was preventable. He did the unthinkable, the worst possible thing, which was to remove her from this world completely and thus leaving me to bear this pain for the rest of my life.”
Jennifer, Keira’s mom “We did everything imaginable. We brought motions when we needed to bring them. We got court orders after court orders. The money wasn’t an issue for us and we still couldn’t save this child. I know a lot of people who have complained…that their child is suffering harm… because of the way the court system currently is.” Phillip, Keira’s stepfather Canadian Broadcasting's National TV just aired a story [linked below] about how a father jumped off a cliff with his daughter, Keira, after being given unsupervised visitation by a Family Court judge. Although this is a well-intentioned attempt at raising awareness, it misleads the public as to the nature and cause of the custody crisis, and ineffective solutions are being proposed. Keira’s mom, Jennifer, is a physician, and her new husband, Phillip, is an attorney, and even their best efforts to protect her failed. They said if they could not protect Keira, people with less education and resources would not be able to either. They are talking to CBC to bring attention to problems in Family Court they believe led to Keira’s death. However, like so many mothers, Jennifer attributes the failure to things that occurred in her case, rather than looking at the larger picture. They believe the problem in family court is that emotional abuse of children is not taken as seriously as physical abuse, and if there had been physical abuse Keira may have been protected. But there are countless cases where custody is given to fathers when there is substantial evidence of, or even substantiated, physical or sexual abuse. Another problem they cite is that spousal abuse is being deemed irrelevant to parenting, i.e. a man who abuses his wife can still be a good father. A Family Court DV questionnaire is touted in the story as a solution to this problem when that will make no difference whatsoever. Even in states where judges are trained in DV and there is a presumption against custody to perps, judges are still giving these fathers custody. So, unfortunately, the public is again being misled by MSM into believing that judges are unwittingly giving custody to abusive fathers and diverted into believing that if there were just more judicial training or new child safety or domestic violence laws, children would be protected. But the truth is, the problem is not lack of training, laws or resources, but an agenda to keep men empowered in their family after divorce—and the Family Court system is designed so judges can effectuate that persisting male entitlement. This means the only solution to the crisis affecting millions of women and children all over the world is to get custody cases out of Family Court and into a real civil court with a jury and other due process protections. JOIN The Women’s Coalition to help fight for a new system codified by the Child Custody Act. https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/ THE CHILD CUSTODY ACT: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/enact-child-custody-act.html CBC STORY: Ontario mother says courts could have prevented her daughter’s death https://www.cbc.ca/news/thenational/ontario-mother-says-courts-could-have-prevented-her-daughter-s-death-1.5648528 PREVIOUS POST: Another Child Murdered Due to Systemic Male Entitlement https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/photos/a.1464723457135309/2665050133769296/ View on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/photos/a.1464723457135309/2730111080596534 Illinois mom Aneta Hadzi-Tanovic has filed an $8 million federal lawsuit against Family Court judge Robert Wade Johnson, the GAL, and her ex for conspiring to deprive her under the color of law of her right to due process and equal protection, as well as for the intentional torts "abuse of process" and "intentional infliction of emotional distress".
Aneta’s custody nightmare mirrors women's cases all over the country and world in which Family Court judges disregard substantial negative evidence about the father, and fabricate negative evidence about the mother, in order to justify switching custody to the father. In Aneta’s case, the judge ignored substantial evidence of physical, psychological and emotional abuse by the father, much of it gathered by police, a forensic interviewer and social services. Instead of protecting the children, the judge falsely found Aneta to have coached them to report abuse (i.e. alienation), hence emotionally abusive, despite no evidence to support that finding. Then he allowed the father to alienate the kids from her, to the point that they now refuse to talk to her on the phone and are so badly behaved in supervised visitation that she cannot keep a supervisor. Aneta had a wonderful, loving relationship with her children and believed their disclosures of abuse. She did everything possible to protect them and maintain custody, but now her relationship with them has been destroyed. She has not seen her children in over a year. Through her pain, Aneta has managed to gather the strength to hit back by filing this federal lawsuit detailing how the judge and GAL conspired in the taking and alienating of her children. 42 U.S.C. §1983 does not provide for injunctions against state judges, so it will not affect the custody ruling or bring her children back. But Aneta hopes publicity on the injustice she has endured, and especially a win in her suit, will help her case moving forward and help expose the injustices women everywhere are being subjected to. PLEASE SHARE, comment and react! LAWSUIT COUNTS 1. Conspiracy to deprive of due process [42 U.S.C. §1983] 2. Conspiracy to deprive of equal protection under the law [42 U.S.C. §1983] 3. Abuse of process [intentional tort] 4. Intentional infliction of emotional distress [intentional tort] TWC NOTE: If you know of media that may be interested in covering this story, ask them contact us at [email protected]. IN ANETA’S OWN WORDS: My ex has been abusing my children and me for very long time. He filed 6 times to DCFS claiming I am abusing my children, all of which were rejected as unfounded. My children reported that he is forcing them to lie, but nothing has been done about it. I filed a Motion for 604.10(b) Psychological Evaluation and that was denied. In June 2017, I was forced to sign a 50/50 Allocation Judgment under a threat by the GAL that if I don’t sign it, they will take my kids away. This was all 2 days after the Judge allowed my attorney to withdraw without giving me 21 days to retain new one, all of which is in direct violation of the Illinois Supreme Court Rule 13. After the divorce, my ex intensified his abuse and my children reported him to social services, school officials, police, DCFS, and even a video-recorded forensic interview was done. Even though all the evidence was against my ex, the police, social services and forensic investigations were all quickly dismissed after the former GAL got involved again into everything. In court it was all turned against me, with multiple false testimonies by the GAL, and my time was reduced from 50% to supervised visits only. There were periods of 6 months when I didn’t see or even talk to my children at all because my ex and the GAL would not agree to any supervisors. And then when supervisors were finally appointed, my ex would attack one after another for supposedly not doing their job, and they would refuse to do any more supervision. In the meantime my children went from loving and caring and wanting to spend time with me, to swearing at me, attacking me, and stealing the stuff from my house, which was also why the last 4 supervisors refused come around my children again and supervise visits. NOTE: If you'd like to join your local coalition, email: [email protected] "I hope our paths meet again in this journey we call 'life'...If we don't meet, I love you, always have, always will.”
Coral to daughter Rebekah Coral is wishing her daughter a Happy 30th Birthday to her daughter the only way she can—on social media. Family Court gave sole custody of Rebekah, along with her 7 other children, including a nursing infant, to their father and allowed him to completely alienate all 8 of them from her. Coral’s case is a good example of how judges routinely allow men to alienate children from a good, protective mother. Women are rarely allowed to alienate children from a good, protective father, while often being falsely accused of alienating to justify switching custody to an abusive father. EXCERPTS from birthday post [linked below]: I will never forget your screams of terror as you, your sister, Hannah and baby Zachary were ripped away from me on March 10, 1996. My journey has been very difficult since that day. ...I reported the crimes that had been committed against you and your sister and me to an attorney and the Polk County Sheriff's Office, Dallas, Oregon. The crimes are documented and the perpetrators admitted to the crimes but there was no justice. You were RIPPED AWAY FROM ME and put in the care of the perpetrators…I, your protective mother who reported the crimes as is required by law, was not allowed to see you, talk to you, write you letters or send you gifts... ...I wrote my memoir for you and your brothers and sisters and to encourage all protective mothers around the globe who have also lost their children while seeking safety and a divorce. I wrote my memoir hoping that my children would remember the loving times in our lives and learn the truth of my own plight and horrors that occurred within our family at the hands of your father and others who perpetrated abuse in our home. I hoped that one of you would read it, seek counseling and become aware of the horror that our family has endured. I dedicated my memoir to my children and to my grandchildren in the hope that they may learn the truth about me. I hope meet my grandchildren before I pass away. “HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY TO MY DAUGHTER” https://www.facebook.com/BonsheaMakingLightOfTheDark/photos/a.484631164918261/2926057600775593 Comment, share and react on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/photos/a.1464723457135309/2705949289679380/ PREVIOUS POSTS: 8 Children Including Nursing Baby Taken Away, Given to Father https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/photos/a.1464723457135309/2006002419674074/ Mom Wishes Son Happy 21st Birthday on Website: Only Way She Can https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/posts/1762010620739923:0 Coral's website: www.coralanikatheill.com
After my 4yr old boy disclosed penetrative sexual abuse IN A FORENSIC INTERVIEW, a crooked cop who hadn't even seen the interview lied on the stand saying I coached him.
I lost custody and have to pay $90 per 2 hour visit 3 times a week for the highest level of supervised visitation. I've also had to pay for a costly psych eval of myself even though we already had a full custody exam which revealed my psych tests were 100% normal and father's were all "invalid". I've been besieged for 3.5 years since I escaped my abusive marriage. Recently my ex illegally discontinued visits and I had NO CONTACT, not even by phone with my baby for two months. Everyday is pain without my child and worrying about his safety. FROM: "Faces of the Crisis" a Women's Coalition Exhibit http://bit.ly/FacesOfTheCrisis SHARE, comment and react in support of Michelle! NOTE: It's not enough to tell our stories. We must use them to support our battle against the systemic male entitlement causing the crisis. If you'd like to engage in activism, join your local coalition: [email protected] If you'd like to participate in zoom calls where the nature, cause and solution to the crisis are discussed: [email protected] More info on why the crisis is occurring: "The Custody Crisis: Why It's Happening & How We Can End It": https://youtu.be/Wgo4Rpvy7bc MORE Faces and Stories: http://bit.ly/FacesOfTheCrisisEvent COLLECTION of stories from submissions: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Aof0RIpSsZZCgoZuINAXgcSlRUraxA "FACES OF THE CRISIS" is an exhibit created by The Women's Coalition to raise awareness about the international epidemic of judges switching custody to controlling, self-serving and abusive men: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/the-solution.html You may participate in the exhibit by sending your photo to: [email protected]. You may include a brief account of how you lost custody or were unable to protect your child(ren) if you want. NOTE: your submission may be edited for clarity, brevity or anonymity. JOIN: [email protected] If you appreciate the work of The Women's Coalition, please consider donating. Thank you! Paypal: http://bit.ly/DonateWomensCoalition Facebook donate button Facebook fundraiser Amazon Smile: https://smile.amazon.com/ Thanks for supporting our mission to end the Custody Crisis! "Ms. Zubko-Valva provided the defendants with overwhelming, irrefutable evidence of the graphic, horrific abuse, including documentary proof, audio recordings and transcriptions, photographs and medical reports."
From lawsuit filed by Justyna, Tommy's mother Little Tommy’s mother, Justyna, filed a $200M lawsuit this week against the Family Court judge and other officials involved in her custody case, 5 months after his death at the hands of his father. Tommy’s father was enabled by three Family Court judges to severely abuse him for many years, despite Justyna fighting hard for his protection and submitting substantial evidence of physical, sexual and emotional abuse. But, as usual in contested custody cases, the judges deemed his mother a liar and restricted her to supervised visitation, giving the father complete power and control to use and abuse his son at will. Unfortunately, the media is failing to put Little Tommy’s death into the context of systemic sexism operating in family courts, and some outlets are spreading false narratives, which harm the movement. It is important to ask MSM to print the truth about Tommy and the Custody Crisis [see below]. One local New York outlet, Newsday, quotes the mother’s attorney, saying the judge “failed to review evidence” and that the father was given custody because he was a police officer. In fact, there were three judges who DISREGARDED substantial evidence in Tommy’s case, not “failed to review it”. This is an important distinction in getting to the crux of the matter: Family court judges are not just negligent or untrained, they are deliberately ignoring damaging evidence about fathers and fabricating damaging evidence about mothers to justify switching custody to the father. And Tommy's father may have been a police officer, but this is an exception to the rule of most fathers getting custody regardless of occupation. Reporting only that position misleads the public into thinking it is rare for abusive fathers to be given custody. Research shows that judges are switching custody from primary nurturing mothers to fathers in approximately 82% of cases, with 70% involving abusive fathers; and that women have never had the power to keep custody after divorce, thanks to discriminatory systems men put in place as soon as women gained the power to live independently of them. Research also confirms it is in children’s best interest to live primarily with their primary attachment figure after divorce (and visit the other parent regularly), especially when the parents do not get along; and, of course, to restrict visitation with abusive parents. This research and the fact that THREE judges in this one case, and thousands of other judges around the world are empowering fathers at the expense of women and children, support that it is entrenched, systemic male entitlement causing women to lose custody. The incredible devastation caused to millions of women’s and children’s lives around the world is incalculable. As a result of this case, legislation for cameras in the courtroom and on court-affiliated officials are being promoted as a solution. It is unclear this solution is being proposed when judges ignored “mountains of evidence and can simply ignore video evidence as well. The problem, said best by law professor Wendy Murphy, is “Family Court judges can do whatever the hell they want.” And what they want, in way too many cases, it to entitle and empower fathers, regardless of the harm it causes women and children. What is needed is not band-aid reforms like cameras, more training or more child abuse laws, but profound structural change: a new system that removes custody cases from Family Court. Want to help get the truth out? ASK THE MEDIA to report on the real cause of Tommy’s death: the Custody Crisis. [You can refer them to The Women’s Coalition for more information and interviews with a link to this post.] Nicole Fuller: [email protected] [If you know of any other reporters who may report on the crisis, please have them contact TWC and link them to this post or on FB: ] NOTE: If anyone knows how to contact with Justyna, please tell her the real reason she lost custody was systemic sexism, not negligence or lack of video evidence, and have her contact TWC for more info and support from women from around the world. The Women's Coalition: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org Join your local coalition to help raise awareness about the crisis and fight for change: [email protected] Previous TWC article: https://www.womenscoalitioninternational.org/news/boy-placed-in-custody-of-father-dies-from-horrific-abuse Previous TWC post: https://www.facebook.com/TheWomensCoalition/photos/a.1464723457135309/2578889842385326/ Newsday article: Thomas Valva's mother files $200 million lawsuit in 8-year-old's death https://www.newsday.com/long-island/thomas-valva-death-lawsuit-1.45793106 |
AuthorCindy Dumas, M.A. has been researching, writing, and raising awareness about the Custody Crisis since 2003, when she was unable to protect her children from their abusive father. She fled into hiding when Family Court failed her and was tricked into returning home, when her children were given to their abusive father. Archives
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